By using system remark to finish the step 2:
RING Omnipool LP managing account will be 7L4Wh6L7qWNQF2BBEjWDShhEafDLtEVzaki3rYTWSztmPsY2, managed by the those in this post
Here is the quote of the best and easiest approach suggested by Hydra:
- XCM the funds to the Omnipool account 7L53bUTBbfuj14UpdCNPwmgzzHSsrsTWBHX5pys32mVWM3C1.
- Execute a proposal on Darwinia Network that records the multi-sig address that will be used to manage the lp as a remark on-chain. Provide the link to this proposal to the Hydration team for reference.
- One the RING is received in the Omnipool account the Hydration team will initiate the listing proposal.
- Once RING is listed an NFT representing the lp position will be issued to the account recorded in step 2.
- With the multi-sig holding the lp NFT it can then do future additions to the omnipool without the need for governance on Hydration Network.
This is a followup of previous executed proposal:
25M RING has already been cross-chain transfer to the Omnipool account on HydraDX: